Saturday, October 31, 2009

32 Weeks

Only 8 more to go...that is if I make it to my due date.  I'm consistently measuring 3 weeks bigger than average.  So, I look (and feel!) 35 weeks.  New developments over the past couple weeks:
-Griffin is now 5 lbs., and it SUPER active.  
-I have discovered that Griffin responds to deep in classrooms with male professors.  He just goes crazy during my 3 hour Monday class with Mr. Baarendse and my other 3 hour Monday class with Dr. Gentry.
-He is usually in the perfect position for birth (head down, back curved along the left side of my belly).
-He has officially kicked Oliver in the face :)
-I woke up last Thursday morning with my first stretch marks :(  They are low on my belly, smaller, and pink.  Although it is a tad sad (I thought I might be one of the "lucky" ones to not get stretch marks), I realize it's all for a wonderful cause...So I don't mind the marks that much.  What I DO mind is the PAIN!  They hurt so, so bad...almost like a burn!  Any suggestions are welcome.  They don't hurt as bad now as they did for the first several days; however, it doesn't appear they're going to stop hurting because Griffin (and therefore, my belly) continues to get bigger.
-I am having increasing difficulty walking, standing up, sleeping, name it.  I think my body must be secreting PLENTY of that relaxin hormone that causes your joints, ligaments and bones to soften because I'm feeling plenty of joint, tendon, and ligament pain.  The latest development is that if I'm walking barefoot, I can feel the tendon in my arch stretch/pull.  Ew & ow. 
-I am starting to get excited about going into labor.  I feel as though I've passed the "hump" of fear, and have moved on to the more productive determined attitude.  At this point (and I'm sure I'll increasingly feel this way), I am willing to do whatever it takes to 1.)  finally meet my baby boy  2.)  put an end to the difficulties and pains of the last trimester :)


  1. You seem to have a great attitude! You look amazing still! I'm hoping to make it to your baby shower on Nov. 14th and can't wait to see you. If you can think of it, maybe I could get those books back from you then too? I keep forgetting to stop by when I'm in Columbia. :( Anyway, glad to see you are doing so well and it will all be over soon! :)

  2. Hey just thinking about old times and came across this. It's Keith Brewer (a.k.a Kizzy) from jax quite a few years back have oli hit me up. P.S. Wow congrats
