They've arrived! I never imagined I would be so excited to open a package full of cloth diapering supplies! Here is the new stash:
After I get some experience with each of these brands/styles, I will be sure to write reviews on each. Starting from the top left, there are Bummis organic, unbleached prefolds with Bummis wipeable, velcro diaper covers, FuzziBunz one-size pocket diapers, Bum Genius one-size pocket diapers, one Bum Genius medium all-in-one diaper (got that for free with a coupon! already not so much of a fan because it takes SO LONG to dry without the insert being removable), Flip wipeable, snap diaper covers with microterry inserts, and Thirsties wipeable, snap diaper covers. I also got a Snappi (prefold diaper fastener, which takes the place of pins [thankfully! I've stabbed myself WAY too many times already]), 4 extra Bum Genius inserts to be used in the different diaper covers, and a Planet Wise wet/dry bag for diaper changes on the go.
From my experience today, I am having some difficulty figuring out the right fit with the FuzziBunz one-size snap diapers. I can't quite figure out how to get it tight enough so it doesn't gape but not so tight it leaves red marks on his skin. The Bum Genius' are SUPER easy, and the Flip covers and inserts have the potential to be my favorite for great fit, ease of use, and ability to reuse the cover because of its "wipeabiliy."
I put Griffin to bed in a cloth diaper for the first time tonight, and I used the Bum Genius with an additional insert (called a "doubler"). We'll see how it works out!
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