Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quest to Capture the 4 Teefers

Trying to get a clear photograph of a baby's first tooth/teeth is next to impossible.  Here is the story of our "quest."  First, we tried getting him to smile sitting up, but we seemed to only be able to capture his bottom teeth.
And he really wasn't into the whole process.  In fact, he dished out quite a bit of his pitiful pout.  I would not be swayed by this ploy.  I was on a mission.  (Note:  As mentioned in a prior post, Griffin uses this pout to get a reaction out of us.  Don't worry...I was not torturing my child.)
Next, I tried a lower angle in order to capture both the bottom and top teeth.  All I got was drool.
After that, I noticed that this poor child's mother had not wiped off all the peaches and squash from breakfast.  Bad mom.

We did catch a sweet smile, but not one big enough to show those top pearly whites.
After a while, Griffin was pulling out all the stops with the pout.  Here is one of his finest:
Next, we tried airplane with Papa to see if the change in location would help, and YES!  We got the top teeth (and more drool)!...but no bottom ones.
Another shot and we captured even less...only one top tooth.  Would we ever catch that magic, elusive 4 tooth smile?!?
YES!  There it is, folks.  A rare and beautiful sight.  Notice the cute gap between his two top teeth :)
And just as we were packing up to call it a day on the photography quest, our 4-toothed man graced us with another giant smile...and there's nothing like it in the whole, wide world.
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